Jurisdiction Is The Key

Your jurisdiction determines your “standing”, or your lack of “standing”.

1. Power of a court to adjudicate cases and issue orders.
2. Territory within which a court or government agency may properly exercise its power. See, e.g. Ruhrgas AG v. Marathon Oil Co. et al., 526 U.S. 574 (1999).

A man or woman who “acts” in “joinder” to a legally generated “artificial person” created and controlled by the state has “legal status” in the Admiralty/Maritime/Commercial Jurisdiction – the international “Law of the Sea”.

Legal Jurisdiction over a man/woman derives from consent to contract into legal fiction commerce. If there is no valid contract, there is no jurisdiction. The legal system pertains to the fictional theatre of “artificial persons”. When a man or woman consents to “act” in “joinder” to an “artificial person”, they cease to “live” in their “private capacity” “possessing unalienable rights and properties” and volunteer to “act” in a “public capacity” “granted revocable privileges and benefits”. Entering the legal system is by contract, or “legalisation”, usually via: “registration”, “licensing”, “certification”, “securitization”, or “general deposit”. In the legal fiction system, consent to contract can be presumed by “silent acquiescence”, unless a “man” or “woman” “rebuts the presumption” of “joinder” to an “artificial person”. All “artificial persons” are created legally without any inherent “productive capacity” and are therefore “debtors” by default and “limited liability” entities. They function as “transmitting utilities” to transmit “human energy” into commerce. Living people “energize” legal fiction commerce, knowingly, or unwittingly by deception, which is fraud.

A man or woman who “lives” naturally in their sovereign body possessing all their unalienable rights and powers has “lawful standing” in the Common Law Jurisdiction – the national “Law of the Land”.

Lawful Jurisdiction over man/woman derives from causing unreasonable harm to a living soul. If there is no human victim, there is no jurisdiction. The law pertains to the real world of living men and women. Lawful jurisdiction is subject to the “due process” of the Common Law whereby no crime is attributable to a man or woman unless they cause “intentional and measurable” harm to another man or woman, not reasonably caused by self defense. To prove a crime of harm there must be an “injured party” willing and able to “swear under oath” to the facts of that harm, “upon penalty of perjury” in a properly convened de jure “Court of Record” (Common Law court with a jury of one’s peers), or witness testimony equally-bound, or irrefutable evidence. In any detention/seizure/arrest, the accuser must have “probable cause” and/or a “reasonable suspicion” that the accused is committing, or is about to commit, a crime against a human victim. The accuser bears the burden of proof. Any forced detention/seizure/arrest without a human victim, by any Public Servant, is coercion, duress, treason, and a breach of their Oath and fiduciary duty as Trustee.

No legal or lawful matter can proceed without jurisdiction.

“Once jurisdiction is challenged, it must be proven.” Hagens v. Lavine, 415 U.S. 533.

“Jurisdiction, once challenged, is to be proven, not by the court, but by the party attempting to assert jurisdiction. The burden of proof of jurisdiction lies with the asserter.” See McNutt v. GMAC, 298 US 178. And Maxfield’s Lessee v. Levy, 4 US 308.

“Once jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather, should dismiss the action.” Melo v. US, 505 F2d 1026.

“There is no discretion to ignore that lack of jurisdiction.” Joyce v. US, 474 F2d 215.

“Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time, even on final determination.” Basso v. Utah Power & Light Co., 495 2nd 906 at 910.

Only you can challenge jurisdiction when you do not consent.

A simple jurisdictional challenge can quickly stop any legal matter:

“As the Director and Beneficiary of my legal person/corporation/trust, I give you 21 days to respond in writing providing proof of claim with evidence as to your legal or lawful jurisdiction over me, failing which you will become liable for any damages I may suffer.”

Memorise this powerful sentence, or keep a note of it.

You can say this to legal actors face-to-face, or write it on their legal “offer” document (any legal ticket, fee, penalty, tax, summons etc.). This removes their presumption of jurisdiction and places the burden of proof on the claimant where it belongs. You may need to do this three times, adding “I do not consent to proceed until your jurisdiction is proven with evidence.” Legal actors in commerce do not have legal or lawful jurisdiction so they will be evasive. When they fail to respond you can serve a notice of default for the record. You can also charge them for any damages you suffer, although do not expect them to be honourable.

See https://youtu.be/s8jRgmrg6Tw

See Rebut The Presumption

See With The Autograph