Peak Mondeniero – Tozal de las Comas – 2016

July 2016, I decide to go alone on a short hiking trip. I choose to do a closer route with beautiful views, with no rush time to run, just for relaxing, making some exercise and preparing for other harder trails. This route is excellent for training, you have almost all items: refreshing woods, pastoral fields with burning sun, climbing rocks (a bit), walking in the high winds of crest, 2 high peaks (over 2300m) and hard descents with no marked trails, few water sources. But is giving you enough time to admire the views, study the other routes that you can do, taking photos and drink a beer on top of the mountains.

I start at 9:30 from the beginning of forestall trail of Linas de Broto. Walking normal without rush, taking photos, small breaks to admire the view. Took me 9h in total, almost 17km, circular. There is no water source on the path (only when you arrive on the pastoral fields, but you need to go down to an alternative path and come back on the crest). So better take enough water with you, if is a burning sun day will be difficult without water.

You can see the full trail details on Wikiloc, so you can download it in your GPS and also consult it into Google Earth. More details about the track see the pictures, each one have a comment.